How To Prime A Coil For Your Vape The Right Way
If you’re new to vaping, you may be wondering what is going with this device that you just purchased? For some reason it doesn't taste like your friend's delicious vape juices. Instead, the taste is bitter to burnt, the vape is making a gurgling noise, and that tasty blueberry e-juice you bought a couple of weeks back tastes, well… scorched and metallic.
These are sure signs that your atomizer coil is faltering or finished. Don't worry as this is a common mistake for new vapers. While you may think you can just swing to the vape store, buy a pack of coils, screwing it on and start vaping away - this won't quite cut it.
You see, you've got to prime your new coil and get it ready first.
If you're getting strange sounds and stranger tastes out of your vape, this is your vape telling you that the wick is dried out and that the cotton isn’t absorbing the juice from the tank anymore. This leads to your coil starting to to overheat and produce a terrible taste. This can spell further problems for your vape if you don’t saturate your cotton properly.
Enter the process of priming.
While this may sound like it could be a tedious and dreadful process, don't worry. It's actually simple and quick, while giving your coil a longer life and your taste-buds a better vaping experience. Just consider it a natural set-up step for any new coils.
How To Correctly Prime A Vape Coil
Depending on how often you vape, you should get from 14-21 days of solid coil production. Now that we know your atomizer coil needs replacing, you need to prime or pre-saturate your wick, so that e-juice is evenly flowing from the tank to the coil. It’s an easy four to five step process as follows:
Step 1: Discard Old Coil
Take off the tank and discard your old atomizer coil. Prior to priming or “breaking” in your new coil, you can also clean the other parts of your vape. Simply running these components under water and allowing them to air-dry will do the trick. Or, you can just simply wipe around the top and edges with a dry cloth.
Step 2: Attach New Coil
Connect and screw on the new coil. One common issue found with vapers is a leaking coil causing e-liquid to spill and waste. Make sure you line up your coil correctly and secure it properly. Also, the new coil allows you to get some leverage and avoid getting e-juice on your fingers as you prime up your atomizer.
Step 3: Moisten The Wick
The next part is to locate your juice holes. Depending on your atomizer coil, the cotton may be exposed behind the wick, while other coils have cotton exposed at the side of the wick.
Regardless, find the exposed cotton and gently let out a drip or two of e-juice into the holes to saturate the cotton. You want to disperse these drops evenly so that you get a proper wick saturation. You will notice a darker texture, which means that the cotton is properly wet.
You want the cotton wet, but not soaked, so three to four drops should do the trick. You’ll know that you flooded the coil if you get e-juice in your mouth.
Step 4: Reassemble Your Vape And Dry Pull
Now you’re ready to prime your coil by taking several pulls. Reassemble your tank and attach it to the battery. During this process, you will be taking several small hits and gradually without activating the fire button. Make sure your tank airflow is closed, so that you aren’t flooding the coil. You can put your fingers or hand over the hole and pull two hits. This allows the e-juice to absorbed by the cotton from the tank.
Step 5: Breaking In The Wire
Finally, you are breaking in the wire by turning your vape on a lower setting. You can take several hits and increase the power supply until you reach your preferred power setting. The reason you’re breaking in the wire is to allow for proper heating expansion. Short puffs while steadily increasing your wattage will ensure that your coil and cotton are primed equally and balanced.
Now that you have properly primed your atomizer coil, you will notice that you get more of a shelf life out of your coil. Plus, there are a few other advantages as well.
Why Prime Your Coils?
Overall Taste Quality
You won’t have to worry about the burnt and bitter tastes that come from a charred wick or burnt cotton. When you take the time to prime your coil, the cotton is fully saturated, which means that the juice is properly flowing from the tank to the coil. That’s not the case when the wick is dried up; when this happens, it makes contact with the coil, thus burning the cotton and giving you that bitter metallic kind of taste.
Long Coil Life
While coils are something you have to replace every so often with vaping, you’ll get a much longer shelf life because you’ve properly balanced your coil along with the wick. This is an obvious reason to take the time to prime your coils.
No More Burnt Hits
Because of the coil and cotton saturation, the e-juice is flowing properly and the power setting of the vape is doing its job causing you to get an even hit that tastes great.
Time And Costs
The cost of a new coil isn’t a budget-breaker but it adds up. If you are constantly burning them out, then you are also constantly changing them. This is unnecessary time and money wasted. Prime your coils, people.
Final Thoughts
Priming your coil is super easy. But not only is it just super easy, it’s also very basically necessary for any serious vaper to extend the life of your coils, get the best taste out of your juices, and avoiding dry or burnt hits. These reasons are why it’s so necessary to prime your new atomizer coil. You’ll enjoy a longer and much better vaping experience.
If you're in need of a new coil, check out our collection here.
How do you prime your coils? Any extra tips or tricks we missed here? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.
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